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Every business needs a Terms and Conditions policy to protect customers and avoid legal issues. Unlike complicated tools, our free generator is easy to use and customizes policies to fit your business—no extra steps required.

Company Information

Personal Information

Seamless checkout experience
Enter business details
Fill the above mentioned details of your business for terms & conditions template.
Easy to manage orders
Submit details
Verify the details and submit. We'll take it forward from here.
Check email
Check email
Voila! You can use the terms & conditions for your website.

How does this free terms and conditions generator work?

Fill in the details in the form above and click submit. Our AI based tool will generate a fully covered terms and conditions page for your website using the details you entered.

You can copy paste the terms and conditions page to your website easily.

Who is this terms and conditions template for?

This free terms and conditions generator can be used by the following businesses:

  • Small business websites
  • Online shops
  • Mobile apps
  • eCommerce websites
  • Blogs
  • Forums

What should be included in the terms and conditions agreement?

Even if your terms and conditions agreement is not exhaustive, it should include major clauses that’ll cover your business. Below are some important sections that can be used to provide clarity and remove misunderstandings, if necessary:

  • Disclaimer
  • Intellectual Property Clause
  • Corrections
  • Term and terminations
  • Prohibited activities

Is terms and conditions different from privacy policy?

Terms and conditions are an expectation setting agreement between you and your users. It covers and not just limited to, governing fees, content, intellectual property, any limitations of your business, and so on.

On the other hand, a privacy policy is concerned with how the personal data of your users is collected, stored, and used.

Tips for writing terms and conditions.

Given terms and conditions agreement is important for any business, it should be legally sound and easy to understand by the end-user. Below are some tips from us:

  • 1.Do not copy terms and conditions from other websites
  • 2.Keep it simple and easy to understand

Grocito provides website development, e-commerce solutions, SEO, app design and development, social media marketing, and content management systems.

You can contact us through our website or call us directly to discuss your project and schedule a free consultation.

We work with a diverse range of All types of industries, including retail, healthcare, education, and more.

Yes, we create tailored website designs that reflect your brand and meet your specific needs.

The timeline varies based on the complexity of the project, but we typically deliver websites within 3 Working days to 30 Working Days.

We use a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Flutter, and popular CMS platforms like WordPress.

Absolutely! All our websites are designed to be responsive and work seamlessly on all devices.